For Scientists
RSZ TNC Clinical Research Unit
This unit provides facilities for observational studies and therapeutic clinical trials for neurodevelopmental disorders.
Equipment usage and services are available at no cost to Investigators affiliated with the RSZ TNC, the Brain Mind Behavior Center and the Division of Developmental Medicine, Genetics & Genomics, Neurology and Psychiatry at Boston Children’s Hospital. Types of clinical research studies that may request to use this space include:
- Pharmaceutical trials
- Device studies
- Behavioral intervention trials
- Natural history/outcome studies
- No infusion or gene therapy dosing visits are permitted to take place in this unit. Higher risk studies will remain at the Experimental Therapeutics Unit (ETU) outpatient and inpatient facilities at the main hospital.
Features of the RSZ TNC Clinical Research Unit
- EXAM ROOMS (3) wheelchair accessible exam rooms with beds, otoscopes; 1 with oxygen and suction.
- CONSULT ROOM with adult and child-sized tables, large computer screen.
- IDS PHARMACY on-site 2 days per week
- HEIGHT & WEIGHT ROOMS, including scale for wheelchair users.
- RESEARCH LAB for sample processing; freezer space for same-day storage; centrifuge.
- Human Neurobehavioral Core Service HNC >
- Clinical Neurophysiology Research Core CNRC >
Facilities at Two Brookline Place
This building was designed for individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. The building is fully accessible with spaces and parking that is comfortable for those with sensory and other challenges.
To register for study visits or more information.
Program Coordinator, Clinical Research Unit
Rosamund Stone Zander Translational Neuroscience Center
Two Brookline Place, Seventh floor
Brookline, MA 02445